Leaders come to work in order to do two things: Develop better people and develop better ideas. When these two forces combine, the engines of improvement and innovation begin to visibly accelerate. To assist leaders in making this happen, our leadership development portfolio consists of Executive Coaching and Seminars.
Executive Coaching Advice is plentiful, but good advice is difficult to come by these days.
Executive Coaching is a one-on-one leadership advisory service, enabling decision-makers to enhance their leadership skills and performance through confidential advice and guidance. By focusing on individual potential and individual obstacles, coaching provides the opportunity to drill down to specific cause and effect, resulting in specific corrective action. The confidential nature of the relationship provides the safe environment necessary to conduct open, frank discussions, explore creative solutions and implement specific developmental actions.
Whether your challenge is unrealized performance potential, a major change in strategy or direction, work/family balance, employee morale, salvaging a "difficult" employee or managing priorities better, Executive Coaching helps you:
- Resolve strategic business issues by enlisting the outlook of an experienced, unbiased outsider - Examine alternative ways of viewing problems and opportunities - Address critical concerns, strengths, weaknesses, and their implications by providing a trusted sounding board - Think outside the box, by challenging paradigms and assumptions, and serving as a catalyst for innovation
Previous and ongoing coaching clients include:
- An insurance executive experiencing multiple promotions, change of companies and international relocations - A renowned scientist facing political resistance in addition to team development challenges - A team of telecomm executives struggling to stabilize a new merger and resolve a sharp decline in customer satisfaction - A foreign diplomat surrounded by male "colleagues" who are counting on her failure, while balancing excessive travel,
overseas re-assignment and a teenage daughter. - Executive MBA students at Columbia Business School, New York City - An accomplished attorney considering a major career change - An IT management star who's career is in jeopardy due to interpersonal relationship issues - A product manager facing an aggressive product delivery schedule and the arrival of new team members - The CEO of a firm recovering from financial disaster, now trying to re-build the firm - A seasoned combat veteran adjusting to leading in a civilian workplace - A community leader trying to regain focus while multitasking at work and at home - MBA students at Georgetown University in Washington, DC
Components -Assessment: Includes poossible use of the Emotional Competency Inventory or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for benchmarking -Scheduled Sessions: 45 - 90 minutes each; a minimum of 2X per month -Shadowing: Observation of day-to-day operational behavior, where feasible -Study/Self-study (i.e- discussion of pertinent articles/research) -Additional resources as needed Measurement Criteria -Explicit behavioral change - Performance of direct reports and staff -Traditional performance metrics
You're already good at what you do. Executive Coaching will make you better!
The world of competition and change has little tolerance or sympathy for those who allow their skills to weaken or grow stale. Skills require replenishment and refinement in order to remain sharpened and ready. And they don't just weaken without help from humans, in the form of neglect and complacency. Through a targeted array of seminars, we help organizations build and reinforce the skills needed to set the pace for tomorrow.
We target skills that restore and accelerate collaboration within teams. So, our seminars address the friction that plagues so many teams today:
- Between Cultures, including age-related, regional, gender-based, religious, racial and national cultures - Between Priorities, where you can't get it all done so you have to make difficult choices, some of which will generate pain - Between Efficiency and Effectiveness , namely "doing things right" vs. "doing the right things"
Friction is prevalent in today's workplace and will be moreso in the future. Many organizations make the mistake of assuming that all friction is negative and that either the friction or the people involved are "bad" and must be eliminated.
We disagree.
Our public seminars are usually 1.5 to 2 days in duration and highly interactive. Using the Socratic method, the agenda consists of a small amount of lecture combined with considerable discussion, including case studies. Customized seminars, delivered at the location of your choice, can be longer or shorter, based on the specific needs of your organization.
- "Strategic Decision-Making" - "Emotional Intelligence as a Productivity Enhancer" - "Fixing The Rupture in The Rapture" - "The Heart of Productivity Improvement"
The following topics are available to be combined into a customized learning event: - Constructive Conflict - Intrinsic Motivation - Setting Clear Priorities - Salvaging The Difficult Employee - Systemic Thinking
We also offer High-Performance Team-Building sessions, aimed at enhancing 4 essential team attributes: - Mission Commitment - Confidence in Leadership - Self-Confidence - Confidence in Team Members
Jewell Consulting Group Washington, DC, USA 202-248-8208